"Do you wash your hair with toothpaste? Brush your teeth with shampoo? Moisturize your face with mouthwash? But you use WHAT? On your WHERE? Of course not. FINALLY! - SweetSpot Labs On-the-Go Wipettes has arrived!" SweetSpot Lab is a brand inspired by women's...*blushing* sweet spot down there! Every other part of our bodies has a specific category of products dedicated for them except for the sweet spot! This brand is dedicated to intimate grooming for all women, making us feel fresh and beautiful! The on-the-go wipettes are designed to be a quick fresher-upper after a workout at the gym, morning after refresher, or my favorite, an alternative for toilet paper! This great product comes with an even better price tag, $2.50 for a pack of 3 wipettes! The deluxe pack of 30 wipettes is priced at $12! Awesome! This product is an official staple in my purse! SweetSpot Labs - Beautify. Glorify. Refresh.